The Network of Women Chairs is an inclusive and informal network for female Chairs and Vice Chairs of voluntary organisations.
Guiding Aims
The Network aims to share experiences and learning through networking with fellow women Chairs and Vice Chairs of not-for-profit Committees and Boards, thereby improving charity governance.
The Network encourages:
• Women from all ethnic and social groups, and of all ages to become Trustees, Chairs and Vice Chairs.
• Members to apply to be Chairs and Vice Chairs of larger and more high-profile charities thus improving the gender balance in the sector.
• Education, learning and sharing of good practice.
The network is open to all women Chairs and Vice Chairs of not-for-profit Committees and Boards.
To qualify for membership, members must be a woman and a current Chair or Vice Chair, Immediate Past Chair or Vice Chair, or Chair or Vice Chair Elect of a voluntary organisation.
Meetings take place quarterly as a mixture of virtual, hybrid and in-person.